Teachings of Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon

Messages of God’s love



America is full of people who came from other countries. This country only has a 200 to 300 year history. The only people who can call America their original home are the Indians. This is the Indians’ home country. Was this country properly obtained, or was it confiscated and taken at gunpoint? Even though this was God’s will, we must still understand it correctly and repent. Such repentance is so important for this country. This repentance must be done, or else whatever was done by those who came here will also be returned to them. There will be a lot of bloodshed in this country. To prevent this, repentance is necessary.

They say that millions of Indians died because of the plague, but nobody believes that today. People may say, “Why talk about the past now? It’s over.” But the point is that whatever we sow is what we will reap. Therefore, this is inevitable. Even if Reverend Moon doesn’t say anything about this, still it will happen. Therefore, it is far wiser to get the remedy and not to wait until the inevitable result comes about.

The American Indians-are they more like white people or Oriental people? Yes, they are descendants of Oriental people, so they are like cousins to Reverend Moon. Therefore, from the point of view that Indians were the original settlers in this country, Reverend Moon has the greater right to be here because his cousins were the first Americans. How ironic it is, because Reverend Moon knows very well what this country is going to be like in twenty or thirty years. The minorities today, such as the Hispanic people, black people and Oriental people, will gain superiority in every area over the white people who will then be in the minority.

Excerpt from Restoration from the Origin and Rebirth are for Myself

Romantic Couple in Love
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